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6 Questions to Ask When Choosing Dog Boarding

6 Questions to Ask When Choosing Dog Boarding

Leaving your pet when you go away can be challenging, but finding a good dog boarding place can help. Picking a spot where your dog is safe and happy is essential. This guide gives you 6 questions to ask when choosing dog boarding place to ensure you and your pet feel good.

6 Questions to Ask When Choosing Dog Boarding

When choosing a suitable dog boarding facility, knowing the right questions to ask is crucial. Here’s an expanded look at each question to ensure you cover all bases for your furry friend’s care and safety.

Question 1: What are your staff qualifications?

To be sure your pet gets excellent care, ask about the people who will care for them. See if they know how to take care of dogs with special training. Check if they have certificates that say they’re good at their job. Ask how much they know about different types of dogs.


Ask if the staff members completed special training for dogs. Learn about the training details, especially if it helps them take good care of your dog. Knowing more about their training can tell you if they can handle different parts of your dog’s care.


Check if the staff has certificates showing they’re good at caring for dogs. Certificates are like awards that prove they know a lot about how to care for animals. This means they care about doing their job well.


Find out how much experience the staff has, especially with dogs. Understanding their past work with different kinds of dogs can help you know if they’re good at taking care of pets. More experience means they know how to help your dog feel happy and safe.

Learning More:

Ask about how the staff keeps learning new things. Knowing if they keep up with the latest animal information shows they want to do their best. This makes sure they’re using the most unique and best ways to take care of your dog.

Handling Situations:

Learn how the staff deals with different situations with pets. Ask about what they do if a dog feels nervous or needs to give medicine. This helps you see if they’re good at handling different things that can happen when caring for pets.

By asking these questions, you can find out if the people at the dog boarding place are trained, caring, and ready to take good care of your furry friend. This helps ensure your dog is happy and safe during their stay.

Question 2: Can I tour the facility? Exploring the Facility Through a Comprehensive Tour

Going on a tour of the dog boarding place is an important step to ensure your pet will be happy during their stay. This unique look lets you see important things that affect your dog’s time there.

Checking Cleanliness:

Look closely at the place’s cleanliness during the tour. Check if they tidy their sleeping, play, and common areas. A clean place keeps your dog healthy and shows they want to give your pet a safe and cozy place to stay.

Looking at Security:

Please pay attention to how they keep the place safe. Check the height of the fences, how strong they are, and if there are extra safety measures. A safe place makes sure your dog doesn’t accidentally get out and stays away from things that might be risky.

Checking Where Your Dog Will Be:

Find out where your dog will eat, sleep, and play. See if the eating areas are clean and easy for your dog to reach. Make sure sleeping spaces are comfy and pleasing for resting. Play areas should be big, well-kept, and have fun things for dogs to do.

Watching How Staff Treat Pets:

The tour shows how the staff cares for the animals. Watch if they are kind and pay attention to the dogs. Happy dogs mean the place is good, and your pet will get the love and care they deserve.

Taking a tour helps you learn about cleanliness, safety, and how staff treats pets. This unique look gives you confidence that your dog will have a great time at the boarding place.

Question 3: What is the daily routine? Unveiling the Daily Routine for Canine Comfort and Well-Being

Ensuring your furry friend has a great time at the dog boarding place means understanding what they do daily. Knowing the daily routine is essential for your dog’s happiness in their new home.

Eating Times:

Find out when your dog will get their food. Ask for a list of specific times and what kind of food they’ll get. Check if you need to bring your dog’s food or if the place provides it. This helps ensure your dog gets the right food at the right times.


Learn how often and how long your dog will go for walks. Understanding their outdoor time is critical to keeping them healthy and happy. Knowing the details of their walking routine ensures your pet gets enough exercise and stays in good spirits.

Playtime Fun:

Ask about playtime and what games your dog will play. Find out how often and what kinds of activities are planned. Ensuring your dog has a fun playtime keeps them social and engaged and releases extra energy. A happy playtime means a comfortable stay!

Resting and Sleeping Spots:

Know where your dog will rest and sleep. Find out about designated rest times and sleeping arrangements. Make sure the sleeping area is comfy and safe. If your dog has favorite things like a blanket or bed, talk about how the place can make them feel at home.

Special Needs and Preferences:

Talk about anything special your dog needs or likes. Discuss how the place can include these in your dog’s day, whether it’s a particular routine, certain foods, or specific activities. This helps the facility understand and respect your dog’s unique personality.

Understanding what happens daily helps meet your dog’s needs and makes their stay enjoyable. By asking about their routine, you ensure your furry friend feels safe, happy, and right at home.

Question 4: How do you handle medical emergencies? Navigating Medical Emergencies with Expertise and Care

Making sure your dog is safe involves more than just their everyday routine. It’s also about understanding how the place handles emergencies. Let’s look closely at how they take care of medical problems:

Emergency Steps:

Find out what they do in an emergency. Ask about their specific steps to help a dog in a medical crisis. Knowing they have a quick and well-organized plan shows they care about keeping your pet healthy and safe.

Vet Availability:

Ask if they have a vet or a connection with a vet hospital. Having access to professional vet care is super important in emergencies. Learning about this connection ensures that your dog gets quick and expert help if they face any health issues.

When Veterinary Care is Needed:

Explore when they decide it’s time for vet care. Learn about the signs that make them seek help for a dog. Understanding this shows they’re serious about keeping your pet healthy by getting medical attention when needed.

Communication During Emergencies:

Ask how they keep you informed during an emergency. Understand how they contact you to share information about your pet’s condition. Good communication is vital to keeping you updated on what’s happening and their steps for your pet’s well-being.

Getting to the Vet Clinic:

Know how they transport a pet to a vet clinic if needed. Learn about the plans and steps for safe and quick transportation. Confirm that they have the right resources and know the procedures for getting your dog to professional care fast.

Past Experiences with Emergencies:

Ask them what happened in the past when pets got sick. Knowing about their past helps you see if they are good at assisting pets to when things are tough and if they give kind and skilled care during hard times.

When you ask how they care for emergencies, you find out if the place is good at helping in challenging situations. This lets you feel they can give your pet the best care, especially when unexpected things happen.

Question 5: Do you have a secure outdoor area? Ensuring Safe and Enjoyable Outdoor Activities for Canines

When picking a place for your dog to stay, knowing if they have a safe and fun outdoor area is essential. Let’s look closely at what makes it suitable for your furry friend:

Security Check:

First, ask if the outdoor play areas are secure. Check how tall the fences are and if there are double gates to keep dogs safe. Making sure these safety measures are strong helps you feel confident that your dog can play in a protected space.

Surface Type:

Next, determine what surfaces your dog will play on outside. Learn if it’s grass, concrete, or artificial turf. Knowing the ground helps make sure it’s comfortable and safe for your dog. Some surfaces might be better for certain dogs or play styles.

Handling Bad Weather:

Ask how they manage outdoor time during extreme weather. Understanding what they do during lousy weather shows they care about your dog’s well-being. Whether providing shelter, adjusting play times, or having indoor options, a good plan proves they want your pet to be safe and happy.

By asking about these things, you ensure the outdoor area is safe and fun for your dog. This attention to detail helps your pet have a great time, get exercise, stay happy, and feel right at home during their stay.

Question 6: Can you accommodate special dietary needs? Catering to Special Dietary Requirements with Precision and Care

When choosing a place for your dog, ensuring they can handle your pet’s special food needs is essential. Let’s look closely at how they manage this:

Special Diets:

First, check if the facility can handle your dog’s special food needs or sensitivities. Knowing they can adjust meals for your pet forms the basis for a healthy and happy stay.

Special Food Options:

Next, talk about whether you should bring your dog’s food or if the place can provide special diets. Precise information on this helps make sure your pet gets the right food. Some places offer special diets for specific health conditions, ensuring your dog gets well-balanced meals.

Feeding Times:

Ask about how they do feeding times. Understanding when and how your dog will get its meals helps keep its routine. This is super important, especially for dogs with special food needs. Regular feeding times make your dog feel more comfortable and help with digestion.

Avoiding Problems:

Learn how they prevent problems like food fights or diet mixing. They make sure pets eat in the right places, keep them apart during meals, and have plans to give each dog their food without any problems.

You ensure the place cares about your dog’s food needs by asking these things. This attention helps your pet stay healthy, comfortable, and happy during their stay. It also shows that the facility is committed to working with you to give the best care to your furry friend.

By thoroughly addressing these questions, you can find a dog boarding facility that meets your standards and provides your dog with a safe, enjoyable stay.

Checklist for Choosing Dog Boarding Facility

  • Verify staff qualifications and experience.
  • Tour the facility for cleanliness and security.
  • Understand the daily routine of dogs.
  • Know the emergency procedures and nearby veterinary services.
  • Check vaccination and health requirements.
  • Ensure there’s a secure outdoor area for play.
  • Learn how behavioral issues are managed.
  • Ask about policies for personal items.
  • Confirm accommodation for special dietary needs.
  • Explore additional services and understand all costs.


Choosing a good place for your dog needs thinking, but asking the right questions can help you decide well. If the facility matches what you want for care, safety, and comfort, you can have a great time away, knowing your pet is safe and happy.


Q. What should I bring when boarding my dog?

A. Bring your dog’s food, medication, vaccination records, and, if allowed, a favorite toy or blanket to make them feel at home.

Q. How far in advance should I book dog boarding?

A. It’s best to book as early as possible, especially during holidays or peak travel seasons, to ensure availability.

Q. What if my dog requires medication during their stay?

A. Provide the boarding facility detailed instructions and enough medication for the stay.

Q. Can I see my dog while they’re staying here?

A. Many facilities offer updates via phone, email, or webcam. Ask about their policy for keeping in touch.

Q. What are the signs of a good dog boarding facility?

A. A good place for pets will be clean and safe, and the people will know a lot. The staff will be kind, the rules will be clear, and other pet owners will say good things about it.